Prisonerofecho 300

A review of Prisoner of Echo

Seems fun, non progressable.

September 12, 2012



Game seems solid. Art of the character portraits is pleasing, art of overhead gameplay is pretty vanilla but serviceable. Pacing is a little slow - options for dialog speed, etc., might help this. Voice acting is inconsistent - some lines have VA work, others do not (or at least, the lines are not played intermittently).

Biggest issue is that after getting sonar goggles and encountering first attack bot, I get locked in a room and cannot progress. The 'objectives' menu asks me to click on the room's terminal, but doing this yields no results, and I cannot progress beyond the room.

The interface for the sonar goggles is a little clunky. Practically speaking there are only two useful bits of this - the amplitude and frequency toggles. These need to be bigger, more precise, easier to use. The other bits of this interface are unimportant.

I like the concept - solving puzzles with sonar-related things. Interesting strategic/critical thinking aspects could be leveraged using the 'turn-based' mode of gameplay flow. Don't know if these things are put to good use, as I can't get far enough.

Didn't really get into the core gameplay, can't tell if it's really fun or not. I would update this review if I could get further.

(If in fact I'm just utterly failing to grasp what I need to do in this room, shame on me. Please feel free to embarrass me if this is the case.)

Fun rating: 3 out of 5

Learning rating: 3 out of 5

Science rating: 3 out of 5


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