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A review of History of Biology



The game presents 14 different missions in which players have to use tools, analyze data, and do their own Internet search to find the solutions. The information given is thorough, but could be overwhelming without any guidance. Finding the solutions is quite challenging, which I like, and the game is a really immersing. However, I found myself wondering how the missions were linked with each other and why these particular once were chosen. A better explanation or integration with the surrounding narrative would be helpful. The learning happens during the Internet search and interaction with the information provided in the game. There is no check for understanding or deeper learning. I have to mention that I am only in mission 7, though, and I can't say if concepts will be integrated in later missions. It took me on average about 15 minutes to solve a mission, which makes the game quite long. However, players can save at any point and come back.

Fun rating: 3 out of 5

Learning rating: 3 out of 5

Science rating: 5 out of 5


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