Dragon Breeder Beta
Deals with biology // genetics
  Evolution // DNA // RNA // Protein // Punnett squares // Alleles // Genotypes // Phenotypes // Heterozygotes // Homozygotes
Intended for high school
Available on Web
Cost free
Developed by SPONGELAB (external)
Website at http://www.spongelab.com/game_pages/DB.cfm (external)
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Dragon Breeder Beta

Deep within the membrane of a giant egg, an ancient and dangerous creature lies dormant - a dragon!

Learn about genetic inheritance as you breed dragon species, complete phenotype missions and meet monstrous creatures in a cloud-hopping sky world! Become the dragon master by breeding all types of dragons.

Dragon Breeder (BETA) is a game where players progress by using the principles of Mendelian Genetics. Breed target dragons, or determine the genotypes of the dragons in your den. Purchase special skills and upgrades, and work your way through a storyline mode that will take your knowledge of genetic principles to their limit. Because the game is written in HTML5, you will need the latest version of whichever browser you use.

Description Provided by Developer

Screenshots of Dragon Breeder Beta


Expert Reviews
By scientists and teachers
11 / 15
2 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Player Reviews
By everyone else (and you!)
11 / 15
2 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Expert Reviews


I am interested in the usefulness and effectiveness of games in the classroom as a supplemental resource to reinforce concepts, inspire creativity and foster higher-level thinking.

Dragon Breeder is a great resource for understanding reproduction and genes. There is a series of tutorials, about 8, before you play the game. I highly recommend completing them. The game is pretty complex, and you will need to read to complete tutorials and use help menu a lot when first learning to play. Do the developers a favor and be sure to leave comments for improvement ideas.

Fun rating: 2 out of 5

Learning rating: 4 out of 5

Science rating: 5 out of 5


11 / 15

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