Virtual Insect Collection Lab
Deals with zoology
Intended for middle school
Available on Web
Cost free
Developed by Learning Games Lab, New Mexico State University (external)
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Virtual Insect Collection Lab

"This interactive virtual lab brings players through the entire insect pinning/pointing process, starting with relaxing insects and demonstrating how to correctly pin or point as well as label an insect for a display case. The virtual lab uses tools typical of a hands-on entomology lab such as a pinning block, spreading board, and relaxing chamber. The module includes hand-drawn 3D renderings of butterflies, beetles, true bugs, flies, and ants. ""This interactive module gives learners a virtual experience of pinning/pointing an insect, using the correct processes as in an entomology lab. By practicing these techniques, students and educators gain an appreciation of handling insects and gain context to facilitate discussions about the importance of collecting insects and what we learn from them. This supports student interest in insects’ vital roles in global ecosystems as well as the process of scientific study of collections. The Virtual Insect Collection Lab ties in to a larger conversation about how museum collections and historical samples provide data for future generations to understand changes at the community level, population level, and in the wider environment. For students or educators whose curriculum includes putting together a physical insect collection, this interactive serves as an invaluable pre-lab experience to learn and practice the steps in a virtual space before attempting them in real life. "


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