Prisonerofecho 300

A review of Prisoner of Echo

The idea of navigating levels based on the mechanics of sound is original and well translated into the game. The game also feels fairly polished for what it offers, but misses a bit in the balance of complexity in design and presenting the complexity of the science being presented.

There is a lot of fancy science-sounding dialog in the character narrative, which is sometimes actually entertaining! But this leaves the real science of sound which the game is oriented around seem a bit left out. The dialog is also a bit drawn out in the beginning, though again, at least it does manage to be entertaining and suggests questions about greater science questions.

Further, while level design was generally interesting, the decibel measuring dashboard lacked refined purpose and useful tooltips, which could be a good opportunity to explain some of the science. If the game were augmented by a teacher's explanation to the science demonstrated in the gameplay, it could definitely be a powerful learning tool. On it's own, however, it plays at science without necessarily explaining it. I enjoyed it!

Fun rating: 4 out of 5

Learning rating: 3 out of 5

Science rating: 4 out of 5


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