Youmakemesick 300

A review of You Make Me Sick!



I have played the demo version of this. Outstanding! I have a life science class and every fall we cover viruses, bacteria, and the immune system in a unit right around cold/flu season this would be a nice capstone next year or to use as in-unit content. Next we do structure and function of the cell and I have found Cell Command (will check out demo next). Then DNA, which I saw a post for a game regarding nucleotide repair... I teach a very advanced course for academically motivated middle school students. I often write my own curricula because texts and teaching materials have been so watered down, and student abilities so vastly underestimated over the years (this is even true of the at-risk students I have worked with, not just the advanced ones). I have to say, what I have seen so far (in the demo) is a good balance of solid science, engaging game content, great learning opportunity, and attainable learning objectives. The demo version has engaged my students so far, budget allowing I will purchase the full version for class next year.

Fun rating: 5 out of 5

Learning rating: 5 out of 5

Science rating: 5 out of 5


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