Guardians of the Genome VR
Deals with biology
  Differentiate between the four nitrogenous bases of DNA; Demonstrate complementary base pairing; Identify the enzymes and processes involved in DNA mismatch repair
Intended for high school
Available on Windows
Cost free demo
Developed by AXS Studio (external)
Website at (external)
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Guardians of the Genome VR

Now in beta. Looking for collaborators. Guardians of the Genome is a serious game designed to teach players (students and the public) about accurate DNA structure through self-guided, hands-on experiences. Equipped with tools emulating enzymes involved in DNA mismatch repair, players are tasked to repair base-pairing errors along a strand of DNA in a virtual nucleus. Mastery of the game solidifies an understanding of complementary base pairing, differentiating the four nitrogenous bases and identifying the enzymes and processes involved in DNA mismatch repair — a fundamental process occurring regularly within all the cells of our bodies.

Video of Guardians of the Genome VR


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